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Rental Information

Rental Information

Rental Information

1. Rental Meeting Rooms

Apply for rental

  • Rental and scheduling inquiries can be made via phone, email, personal visits, etc.
  • Request and confirm estimates
  • Submit rental application and files (Meeting Rooms Rental Application, Event Plans, Certificate of Business Registration)
  • Receive permit for use of Meeting Rooms, issued by HICO to event organizer
  • Consult on equipment rental and catering services

Rental Agreement and Contract

  • Sign contract and payment of deposit (20% of rental fee)
  • Submit intermediate payment (30% of rental fee)
  • Submit payment of remaining balance (50% of rental fee)
Category Due Date Payment
(Including VAT)
Deposit Upon signing the Contract 20% of
rental fee
60 Days before the beginning of
the rental period
30% of
rental fee
Balance 7 Days before the beginning of
the rental period
50% of
rental fee
After end
of event
Additional expenses for use of meeting rooms,
equipment, etc.

The above rental fee payment schedule and ratio are negotiable with HICO.

Event Preparations

  • HICO will designate a Hall Manager for the event.
  • Submit relevant files as needed
    • Submit event implementation plans, floor plans for event, exhibition booth installation application, technical support application, etc.

Event Set-up and

  • Setting up event space and rehearsal
  • Hosting the event
    • Direct inquiries about additional use of meeting rooms and equipment to hall manager
    • Computer/internet/fax/printing/copying services are available at the 1F Welcome Center (Hall Manager Room).

Tear-down after
the End of Event

    • Equipment must be returned and the meeting rooms restored to their original state. This includes tearing down banners,
      stage, translation booths, etc.
    • Submit payment for additional use of meeting rooms, equipment, expendable supplies, etc. during the event
2. Rental Exhibition Hall

Apply for rental

  • Rental and scheduling inquiries can be made via phone, email, personal visits, etc.
  • Request and confirm estimates
  • Submit rental application and files (Exhibition Hall Rental Application, Event Plans, Certificate of Business Registration)
  • Permit for use of Exhibition Hall issued by HICO to event organizer
  • Consultations on equipment rental and catering services

Rental Agreement and Contract

  • Submit contract and payment of deposit (20% of rental fee)
  • Submit intermediate payment (30% of rental fee)
  • Submit payment of remaining balance (50% of rental fee)
Category Due Date Payment
Deposit Upon signing of contract 20% of rental fee (VAT included)
Intermediate Payment 60 Days before the beginning of the rental period 30% of rental fee (VAT included)
Balance 7 Days before the beginning of the rental period 50% of rental fee (VAT included)
Management Fee Deposit 100% of Management Fee Deposit
Management Fee After end of event Fee for additional use of Exhibition Hall
+ management fee for use of electricity,
cooling/heating, etc.
+ fee for additional use of equipment
→ Based on the total, part of the management fee
deposit may be returned or additional payment
may be required.
Due Date Payment
Upon signing of contract 20% of rental fee
(VAT included)
Intermediate Payment
Due Date Payment
60 Days before the beginning of the rental period 30% of rental fee
(VAT included)
Due Date Payment
7 Days before the beginning of the rental period 50% of rental fee
(VAT included)
Management Fee Deposit
Due Date Payment
7 Days before
the beginning of the rental period
100% of Management Fee Deposit
Management Fee
Due Date Payment
After end of event Fee for additional use of Exhibition Hall
+ management fee for
use of electricity,
cooling/heating, etc.
+ fee for additional use of
→ Based on the total,
part of the
management fee
deposit may be
returned or additiona
payment may be

The above rental fee payment schedule and ratio are negotiable with HICO.

Event Preparations

  • HICO will designate a Hall Manager for the event.
    • Submit floor plans for exhibition and event implementation plans
    • Adjust marking, installation, tear-down schedules
    • Consult on installation of advertisements/promotional materials, share plans for security and personnel management
    • Share opening ceremony plans, VIP information, etc.
  • Submit relevant files
    • Exhibition booth installation application, technical support application, work order form, etc.

Event Set-up and Operations

  • The set-up of the Exhibition Hall will be conducted under the supervision of HICO.
    This includes installation of booths as well as construction work on electrical lines and plumbing.
    • Construction work related to the set-up will be carried out by a business registered with HICO.
    • Use of Exhibition Hall beyond the rental period indicated in the Rental Agreement will result in additional rental fees (for extended usage).
  • Rehearsal

Tear-down after the End of Event

  • Exhibition booths, stage, etc. must be dismantled and the Exhibition Hall returned to its original state.
    The space will be examined to ensure no damages occurred during the event.
  • The management fee will be determined based on use of electricity, cooling/heating, compressed air, etc.
    Depending on the total, part of the management fee deposit may be returned or additional payment may be required.
    • Waste removal and clean up: The event host must hire a HICO-registered company for the removal and clean up of industrial waste.
      Payment is made by the host directly to the cleaning company.

Please contact the HICO venue marketing team for further inquiries about the venue's facilities and leasing process, or to request an estimate.
Email. marketing@hicogw.kr

